E-mail: scpfoundation021@gmail.com | Call: : +011-29949510 | Country : INDIA  



SCP FOUNDATION (SF) is registered Non Profit/ Non- Government professionally managed voluntary organization engaged in the activities for development of Children, Women & Youth with particular focus on Education, Food, Health Awareness and Empowerment. SCP FOUNDATION NGO is also a leading Global Talent Development Organization of India. The organization enjoys credibility with a large number of departments in Govt. of India and the State Governments and has carved out a niche for itself all over the country.


To empower and uplift the poor and underprivileged communities through a multi sectarian intervention approach.


Long term targeted intervention through provision of educational services to uplift the poor and disadvantaged groups. The Development of children, women, youth and other disadvantageous groups from poor economic background with particular focus on their educational, health, awareness and empowerment.


Focus on:

To accomplish the mission of making a difference in lives of underprivileged children in and around Ashram, undertaking the integrated education and health care program for the children.

It is our aim to ensure basic quality education to the deprived children. We would like to organize session, group discussions with the community / parents on issue like eradication of child labor, begging, literacy and the right of every child to go to school. It would also cater to the womenfolk of the nearby slums and give preventive, curative and referral services. It’s provided the services in the following State:

  • Bihar
  • Uttar Pradesh
  • Assam
  • Haryana
  • West Bengal
  • Delhi


The organization is working in the following fields:-

  • Computer Education
  • Vocational education
  • Medical
  • Health
  • Health Awareness
  • Family Welfare
  • RCH
  • Immunization
  • School Health
  • Health Education
  • Prevention of AIDS
  • Prevention of Cancer
  • Prevention of Hepatitis
  • De-addiction
  • Blindness
  • Malnutrition
  • Anemia
  • Medical Mobile Camps
  • Orientation Camps
  • Vocational Education Training
  • Women Empowerment
  • Service For Disables
  • Environment Protection
  • Safe Motherhood
  • Water & Sanitation
  • Rural Development
  • Human & Women Rights
  • Nasha Mukti Camps
  • Polio Correction Surgery Camps
  • Artisan/Cluster Development
  • Old Age Welfare
  • Human Source Activities
  • Youth & Tribal Welfare
  • Mobilization & Promotion Of SHGs
  • Empowerment in Girl Child/Infanticide.
  • Uplifting Of Rural Youth & Poor
  • Employment based training programs.


The organization aims to provide a complete computer education and software and hardware technology training to all and build the human resources of our motherland on the new the world order. The organization also aims to accelerate software development and promote IT enable services and take all necessary steps to make India a global information technology super power and a front- runner in the age of information revolution.

Some of the Other Objectives are:-

  1. To achieve strong, organized, scientific and technology infrastructure in basic and applied areas and provide a frame work for future national development.
  2. To bring computer education within the reach of the poor, the backward he handicapped and physically challenged students.
  3. To impart degree, diploma certificate and post graduate courses on computer, technology, management, engineering, education, law medical science, bio-technology, agriculture and other professional and technical courses etc.
  4. To conduct teachers training program on computers for Nursery and other schools and institutions.
  5. To open and run schools, colleges, computer, technical, medical, professional institutions etc. all over India.
  6. To provide education, vocational training, employment and other rehabilitation support to the poor and helpless and achieve sustainable development and prosperity of our mother land.
  7. To create good leaders, businessmen and professional in India by providing education and knowledge.
  8. To establish charitable hospital and health services center for the poor and knowledge.
  9. To provide basic needs as food, shelter and clothing to the poor, down-trodden and people of below poverty line.
  10. To develop agriculture, horticulture, flowery-culture, animal husbandry and allied activities and promote employment in villages.
  11. To establish agricultural research and information centers.
  12. To promote biotechnology and cultivate medicinal plants.
  13. To provide business training and financial support to the unemployed for their self employment.
  14. To help people affected by natural calamities such as earth quake, draught, flood, nuclear disaster etc., conduct disaster management and awareness program and train the people to cope with.

Training works New Delhi & NCR

HE Training

Excellent training in Tailoring, Fashion Garment Designing, Embroidery, Pattern Making and many career oriented courses.

SMO Training

We have also initiated vocational training programs for women and young girls with the ultimate aim to improve the quality of life at Jaitpur and Roshan Nagar community at UP border and tribal communities in Madanpur Khadar. Our training centers provide training in trades as cutting & tailoring, beauty culture, computer software, computer hardware and spoken English.

Computer Training

We take up and participate in small and big projects related to computer based training programs in association with corporate and government sector. We provide free education to exceptionally talented poor and orphan students. Our programs aim at meeting computer trained HR requirement at local, national and international level. We also run special programs to train people with latest Techniques to meet documentation challenges of the future. Our goal is to participate in putting all small and large organizations on the computer network.


All Donatins to SCP FOUNDATION are exempt under Section 80G

Give donations for

  1. Education
  2. Health
  3. Environment

Contact Mr. Virendra Kumar Verma.
2017 All Rights Reserved | by: www.scpfoundation.info